Alumni Network
Join this network of well-connected graduates
Not only do alumni successfully jump start productive and fulfilling careers through TAM, they stay connected. We believe this global network of graduates is one of TAM’s greatest strengths. Use this page to browse specific profiles, read about the alumni advisory board, and see how well our graduates do in the workforce. If you are a prospective student, let us know and we will work to get you in touch with alumni who can provide some tips as you consider TAM.
Alumni Profiles
TAM graduates work in a number of different professional fields. Their career paths are diverse and highly interesting. Some work for think tanks and NGOs such as the Bertelsmann Foundation, the Goethe Institute and the Brookings Institution. Others work for their federal government in foreign-service capacities as well as for entities such as the Pentagon, the US Department of Energy, the Labor Department, and USAID. Meanwhile, some TAM grads work for private firms such as lobbying shops, airlines or risk-management companies. Finally, another segment of our graduates go on for PhDs, JDs or Business credentials and / or work on university campuses as faculty members, instructors or administrators. Please read about some of our graduates below.
Spotlight – TAM grad, Lauren Gaillard ’17, discusses the TAM alumni network
In early 2014, TAM established an External Advisory Board made up of program graduates. This Board had its first annual meetings on March 28 and 29, 2014, in Chapel Hill and has met every spring since. A fall meeting now takes place in October in DC. Board members serve as program ambassadors and stay informed of TAM developments. They assist with recruiting efforts, marketing strategies, internship and job placement, fundraising and community building. Two satellite TAM Boards in Berlin and London have also formed. TAM alumni involvement with the program makes us strong and proud. And the expertise of our graduates has been an invaluable source of inspiration and practical assistance.
Please feel free to contact the TAM Board with questions about the program and career paths afterwards:
Madelon graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s double-degree TransAtlantic Master’s Program (TAM) in 2020; she completed the European Governance Track and spent her second year at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She wrote her thesis on the effect of the refugee crisis on anti-immigrant attitudes. During her second year of the program, Madelon worked for a Dutch student strategy consulting foundation (De Kleine Consultant). She worked as a consultant, project manager and national board member for foundations and companies with social missions. Madelon was also part of the American Field Service (AFS) High School Exchange Program in West Michigan and studied abroad in Buffalo, New York.
Amber graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) in May 2016 and was a double major in Global Studies (International politics, W. Europe) and Contemporary European Studies with a minor in Spanish for the Professions. As a TAM student, she was part of the European Governance track and studied overseas in Barcelona. She had Foreign Language Area Studies funding to take Portuguese-language training during her first year in TAM and over the summer of 2017. During her time in TAM, Amber interned for the US Department of State in Lisbon and for the Bertelsmann Foundation in DC. Amber now works for Lewis-Burke Associates LLC.
Brian Beach 2005 – Senior Research Fellow at UCL & Karolinska Institutet
Lauren Yeargin 2014 – Client Service Analyst at RBC Global Asset Management
Laura Slater 2016 – Associate Director Of Development at Equal Education Ltd.
Brian Swint 2002 – Features Editor for Financial News
Anna Brashear 2017 – Product Marketing Manager AMBOSS
Julian Jaursch 2012 – Project Director at Stiftung Neue Verantwortung (SNV)
Emily Lines 2012- Research Scientist at Federal Institute for Population Research
Donations to TAM come in many forms.
For instance, we’re very grateful to those who host TAM students during fall-break site visits in DC, let us know about job and internship opportunities relevant to our students and graduates, spread the word about our offerings and communicate with prospective applicants, communicate with the TAM Office with concerns, questions, and updates, and give talks in our Friday lecture series. All of these things contribute to the mission of TAM.
We also welcome financial donations.
Here are a few of the ways in which your donation could be used:
$25,000 – full tuition for a double-degree-seeking TAM student
$20,000 – full tuition for a UNC degree-seeking student
$10,000 – full tuition for one year.
$7,500 – living stipend for TAM student for one year.
$5,000 – one semester of tuition.
$3,000 – full travel scholarship for two TAM students to get to Europe for their overseas study.
$1,500 – full travel scholarship for one TAM student
$1,000 or less – partial travel scholarship
$500 – book and supplies stipend
$300 – overseas university student fees
$250 – student visa fees
Our gift account is called “Friends of the TransAtlantic Masters Program.” If you would be interested in contributing to TAM this way, please see the gift-giving options above. If you choose to donate online, please be attentive to the drop-down options to designate the Friends of TAM Account from a list of choices.